About Us

We have a passion for publishing information about well-being!

What could be more important than health?

We want to know, “what would it be like to feel completely healthy?”

My early background in editing a publication about science, religion, and philosophy led me to a deeper curiosity about health.

What is the power of the mind over the body in medicine? How does nutrition make a difference?

Nutritional, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual health.

Starting in 1978, I noticed that many healthcare professionals had begun using mind-body medical techniques as well as nutrition and complementary medicine instead of drugs or surgery.

It was clear that these natural interventions helped prevent disease and heal both minor and major illnesses, including cancer.

Therefore, I developed a passion for publishing documentation, stories, and science-based evidence for natural health.

The answer to a question about a job change was the unfolding of creating the Well Being Journal. A clear intention evoked an elevated feeling, which led to starting a Macintosh Plus computer and creating the layout for the first issue—in 1991.

It was—and is now—a family business.

Our editorial decisions are based solely on the evaluation of the merit of each article. No advertiser has a voice in the material we publish. However, we very much appreciate those who offer health services and helpful products in the Journal.

From regional to national.

We started the publication in the Seattle region, though today, the Journal is distributed nationwide and internationally. It is available by print and digital subscription.

Print editions are sold in stores throughout North America. These include but are not limited to Whole Foods, Sprouts, Natural Grocers, and many regional chains and co-ops nationwide like them, such as PCC, New Seasons, Nature’s Own, and Healthy Nutrition.

We hope you enjoy and benefit from the Journal content on our site.

We think you will not regret subscribing to our quarterly print and weekly digital publication! You might also consider our library of back issues. A keyword search on our website might provide valuable information for you. We hope so!

It’s good to be in well being!

Scott E Miners | founder and executive editor

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© 1992-2024  Well Being Journal, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Heralding the Integration of the Art of Medicine with Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual & Social Aspects of Health