Healing Cancer Naturally

These are some of our feature articles about the natural prevention and healing of cancer. To see all, including related issues,

Vol. 14, No. 1

Prevent Cancer, Allergies and Stress: The Role of Inflammation

Nancy Appleton, PhD, explores the evidence that cancer is most prevalent in areas of the body with excessive inflammation and how an elevation in other factors such as stress and C-Reactive Protein increase the risk of cancer in the body.

Vol. 14, No. 2

Food Enzymes Prevent Cancer: Dietary Changes for Preventing and Overcoming Cancer

Mauris L Emeka discusses the importance of using raw foods to aid the body in the elimination and prevention of cancer as a metabolic disease. He especially emphasizes specific foods containing nitriloside, a factor found to supress cancer cells.

Vol. 14, No. 3

Unhealthy Vegetable Oils? Does Food Industry Ignore Science Regarding Polyunsaturated Oils? Implication for Cancer, Heart Disease.

CJ Puotinen writes about the connection between the use of polyunsaturated oils and the rise of America’s most harmful diseases including heart disease, cancer and obesity.

Polyunsaturated Vegetable Seed Oils: The Prudent Diet, Cancer & Heart Disease

Wayne Martin, BS, writes about research on polyunsaturated fats vs. saturated fats and the adverse health implications of consuming polyunsaturated oils. He discusses the role of platelets and disease as well as the use of asprin vs. other drugs in the treatment and prevention of heart disese.

Vol. 15, No. 1

Cancer Risks, Fund Raisers & Environmental Toxins: Can You Protect if you Don’t Detect?

Rose Marie Williams, MA, and president of the Cancer Awareness Coalition, discusses the importance of the prevention of breast cancer and why prevention is more important then early detection.

Vol. 15, No. 4

Selinium Heals Cancers: Bowel, Prostate, Skin…

An unusual story of a West Australian farmer who used selenium to treat his own bowel cancer and inspired others to seek similar alternative treatment.

Vol. 15, No. 5

A Spontaneous Healing of Cancer: On Being Ready to Let Go of Disease

Scott E Miners, executive editor of the Well Being Journal, shares his personal experience of healing cancer by learning to let go and embrace the healing help of positive thought and prayer to experience more health and well being.

Vol. 16, No. 2

Sleep Your Way to Cancer Prevention

Jonathan V Wright, MD, discusses how sleepless nights can affect your health. Research on melatonin, a hormone stimulated by darkness, shows an increased incidence of breast cancer when melatonin production is suppressed.

Vol. 16, No. 3

Gerson Therapy for Prostate Cancer

Reports by men who recovered from prostate and testicular cancer as told by Charlotte Gerson in Healing Prostate and Testicular Cancer the Gerson Way.

A Healing Journey Through Cancer

Rebecca Istvanko, MT (ASCP), talks about her journey with cancer. Not willing to accept that she only had 6 months to 3 years to live, Rebecca found alternative options for treatment through the integration of medicine and is still alive and in much better health almost 7 years later.

Full Responsibility: A Cancer Healing Story by Elizabeth Hepburn

Four years into a bout with cancer, Hepburn realized only she could be responsible for her own well being. This thinking was about to take her on the journey of her life, which would be forever changed.

Vol. 16, No. 4

Antioxidants and Healing Cancerous Tumors

A first person story by Art Pierre, wherein he discusses his successful experiments with cancer treatment using vitamins.

Vol. 16, No. 5

Healing Cancer with Flax Oil: More Evidence Budwig’s Diet Works

Reader Ida Terry shares her story of healing cancer by following the protocol of Joanna Budwig, Ph.D., consuming flax oil and cottage cheese on a daily basis.

Vol. 16, No. 6

Chlorella Shows Promise as Anti-Cancer Supplement

Ralph W. Moss, PhD, provides research about how chlorella has a unique way of chelating and removing toxins from the body.

Healing Stories: Herbs and Healing from Cancers

A reader shares her story about her brother’s bout with cancer and the herbs that saved his life after conventional medicine failed.

Vol. 17, No. 3

Using Food to Protect Yourself Against Cancer

Weston A. Price, DDS, researched the diets of healthy people worldwide; this is a summary about the foods they used.

Vol. 17, No. 5

Protecting Yourself from the Dangers of Cell Phones

David Servan-Schreiber, MD, provides evidence that immoderate cell phone use can cause tumors, and he offers cautions.

Vol. 18, No. 5

Cancer, Cholesterol & Statins

Professor Brian Scott Peskin offers research showing that LDL cholesterol is not to blame for the health problems frequently attributed to it, but that the culprit is often defective food oils, again showing their role in cancer causation.

Vol. 18, No. 6

Cancer & Heart Attacks: The Role of Polyunsaturated Oils

Wayne Martin convincingly shows specific connections between diet and health, and contends that certain polyunsaturated oils play a central role in the rise of cancer and heart disease.

The Role of Flaxseed Oil in Preventing Breast Cancer

Jade Beutler, RRT, RCP, writes about findings that show lignan rich flaxseed oil can help prevent breast and other cancers, and discusses its use in easing symptoms related to PMS and menopause.

A Case of Healing from Liver Cancer

This story of a man’s healing from liver cancer through the use of nutrients and herbal formulas is related by his niece, a nurse who introduced him to natural methods for healing.

Vol. 19, No. 1

Cancer and the Lymph System

An interview with lymphatic expert Judy Taylor, by Susan Moss, author of Survive Cancer: A Natural Approach to Healing and Prevention.

Vol. 19, No. 2

Gerson Therapy: Nutrition-Based Approach to Healing Cancer

Eva Urbaniak, ND, discusses the Max Gerson, MD, nutritional approach, a systemic natural form of cancer treatment with long-term survivors.

Cultured Soy and Cancer

Vijaya Nair, MD, provides information about how traditional cultured soy products can be of value in both cancer prevention and treatment.

Vol. 19, No. 4

Breast Cancer: The Stress Connection

Susan Silberstein, PhD, notes that more important than what we’re eating might be what’s eating us, when it comes to cancer causation, but there are solutions.

Vol. 19, No. 5

Preventing & Slowing Breast Cancer with Asian Foods

Susan Silberstein, PhD, outlines four main staple foods of Asian cultures that can help prevent or slow cancer.

Vol. 19, No. 6

Avoid Cancer Now with Nutrients

Shane Ellison, MSc, discusses various reasons cancer treatments have failed and extols “nutrient logic” as a significant way to help prevent cancer.

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Heralding the Integration of the Art of Medicine with Physical, Mental, Emotional, Spiritual & Social Aspects of Health