November/December 2018

November/December 2018





Bee Healthy: Medicinal Properties of Honey, Bee Pollen, Propolis & Royal Jelly, by Karina Gordin, MSc
The use of honey as food and medicine dates back to the earliest civilizations, with archeological records and sacred scriptures testifying to its extensive nutritional and healing properties. Honey-based prescriptions for treating wounds, burns, and skin rashes may be traced to the first compendium of traditional Chinese medicine, while the ancient Roman pharmacopoeia indicates raw, unfiltered honey—“the most useful substance”—in the treatment of pneumonia, pleurisy, snake bites, and afflictions of the mouth. According to the medical writings of the ancient Greek physician, Hippocrates, “Honey and pollen cause warmth, cleans sores and ulcers, soften hard ulcers of the lips, heal carbuncles and running sores.” In short, “Eating honey prolongs life,” as noted by the Greek philosopher and scientist Aristotle….

Children, Vaccine Immune Activation & the Challenge of Autism, by JB Handley
Discussing vaccinations and autism isn’t an explosive topic, but it can be thermonuclear. Both sides of the argument feel, with great passion, that the health and welfare of our children are at stake. Much of that passion is the product of several lies told repeatedly. These lies form a foundation for self-interested parties to deny, obscure, and misdirect the truth about what’s happening to millions of children. They pit well-meaning parents against well-meaning parents. Remove the lies, and you’re left with a deeply disturbing explanation for why so many children have autism, seemingly out of the blue….

Cancer-Free Living: Transform Your Life & Health with the Mix of Six, by Lorenzo Cohen, PhD & Allison Jeffries, MEd
It is now well accepted that we can prevent the majority of cancer in our world. We hear a lot about diet and exercise—but the truth is it’s important to put social support and stress-reduction in the top 2 spots on your self-care plan. Why? To harness the benefits of synergy and set yourself up for success…

Mind Over Matter, by Dawson Church, PhD
Graham Phillips, PhD, is an Australian astrophysicist and TV journalist. Skeptical about feel-good techniques like meditation, he decided to put meditation to the test (Phillips, 2016). In his words, “I’d never really contemplated whether meditation could do anything for me. But the more I hear about the research, the more keen I am to see whether it has any effect. So, I’m going to try it myself for two months…. For me, to take meditation seriously, I need some hard evidence that it’s changing my brain for the better….”

Liver Rescue: An Interview with Anthony William
The liver is that important. If anyone suffers with acne, weight gain, difficulty losing weight, eczema, psoriasis, diabetes, gout, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), high cholesterol, high blood pressure, brain fog, heart palpitations, bloating, gas, constipation, constant hunger, mood struggles, seasonal affective disorder (SAD), gallbladder problems, PANDAS, jaundice, fatty liver, or any autoimmune illness, they likely have a sluggish liver and struggling liver. You might be surprised to hear this, especially if you have had liver tests done at the doctor’s office and the results came back normal….

The Powers of Celery Juice, by Anthony William
Celery is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory foods, because it starves unproductive bacteria, yeast, mold, fungus, and viruses that are present in the body and flushes their toxins and debris out of the intestinal tract and liver. Pathogens like these are so often the underlying cause of inflammation—in their absence, your body is much better able to handle whatever life throws your way. At the same time, celery helps good bacteria thrive….

How to Beat the Beast of Dental Disease, by Alvin Danenberg, DDS
The human body was never designed to have dental diseases. As a matter of fact, our primal ancestors hardly ever had them. Why is dental disease so prevalent today? The answers will surprise you. The cure will amaze you. Almost everyone suffers from some form of dental disease. About 94 percent of the US population has some degree of gum disease.1 About 91 percent has had some degree of tooth decay…

An Unbroken World & Forgiveness, by Shannon McRae, PhD
Shannon McRae, PhD, in this interview describes the healing effects of the simple act of forgiveness and a deeper context for understanding the effects of living in a world free of judgment.

In Brief & Health Notes
Things That Make You Go Hmmm… • Benefits of Propolis • Mercury, Aluminum, ADHD & Autism • Vital Nutrients: CoQ10, Magnesium… • Chemicals Disrupting Pregnancy & Fetuses • Heart-Based Living • Celery Juice Recipe • Roasted Delicata Squash Recipe • Beware of Greenwashing • Microplastics Found in Bottled Water • DHA & EPA: Beneficial Fish Oils • Allergies & Environmental Illnesses

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